School Discipline

School Discipline

A Race, Space, and Urban Schools site exploring school discipline and its resulting conflicts

Highlighting Disciplinary Injustices

Throughout our course on Race, Space, and Urban Schools, our team explored racialized structures that impact education. In this website, we dive deeper into the disciplinary policies and practices that disproportionately affect students of color. Through our research and exploration, we decided to highlight topics we felt needed to be brought into conversation with each other concerning school discipline: the practice of suspension, the alternatives to punitive discipline like Restorative Justice, and the importance of centralizing race in these restorative, disciplinary practices. As a whole, we aim to call attention to these practices and offer ideas for solutions. By exploring our site, we hope you challenge the ineffective and antiquated practices that directly harm students of color within the NYC public school system and support the movement for disciplinary reform.

The Team

A little bit about the team that made this website: Ansley Carlisle Ansley is a senior in SEAS studying Earth & Environmental Engineering. She is interested in environmental justice issues and hopes to work on...
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School discipline in New York City is shown to have detrimental effects on student learning and career outcomes, especially for students of color. Yet despite stark racial disparities in school discipline, there is precedent for...
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The following charts and maps provide a visual representation of key themes explored on this website, highlighting data which illustrate the racial disparities in school discipline in NYC. PLACEHOLDER There exist significant racial disparities within...
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Here is a helpful list of websites, articles, and organizations that helped us gather the information on this website. Explore if you are interested in learning more about school discipline! Restoring Students’ Right to Learn...
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