The following charts and maps provide a visual representation of key themes explored on this website, highlighting data which illustrate the racial disparities in school discipline in NYC.


There exist significant racial disparities within school discipline in NYC. Using data provided by the NYC Department of Education, this chart shows that Black and Hispanic students constitute a vast majority of the students who receive multiple suspensions during the school year.


As mentioned in Rose Reiken’s Op-Ed, NYPD presence in schools exacerbates the racial disparities in school discipline. Additional data from the NYC Department of Education again show that Black and Hispanic students are far more likely than their peers of other races to experience suspension as a result of encounters with the NYPD.

Data maps below show racial disparities with respect to students who drop out of school. Research on exclusionary discipline shows that suspension has a significant impact on drop out rates. In a city with radicalized suspension practices, it isn’t surprising that the data maps show higher drop out trends in neighborhoods with higher populations of Black residents.

Data maps below show racial disparities with respect to students who drop out of school. Research on exclusionary discipline shows that suspension has a significant impact on drop out rates. In a city with radicalized suspension practices, it isn’t surprising that the data maps show higher drop out trends in neighborhoods with higher populations of Black residents.